Sunday, February 5, 2012


Last night I received some very exciting news.  One of my images received an Honor Ribbon and an acceptance in THE 79TH ANNUAL WILMINGTON INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF PHOTOGRAPHY, a Photographic Society of America sanctioned exhibition that is hosted by the Delaware Photographic Society.  This is my fourth acceptance in a PSA event.  And the Honor Ribbon  is just the icing on the cake, for me.  Someday, when I'm in the big leagues, I won't get so excited by this, but for now, as I fly by the seat of my pants, I am thrilled.  I can't wait until I retire and can devote more time to my photography.


478 photographers from
39 countries, who presented
3787 images which garnered
1034 acceptances and
75 Honor Ribbons

Of course, there were also your special awards, approximately 10 in each of 6 sections, from PSA, DPS (Delaware Photographic Society), IIWF ( largest association of advanced photographers in the German-speaking countries of Europe) and the DVCCC (Delaware Valley Council of Camera Clubs:  your gold, silver and bronze medals, and other special awards.  But for now, I am ecstatic that I will receive an honor ribbon.

Now, having said all that, this is an image that I really like because of the division of the spaces.  I have chosen to render it as a black and white image because of this.  I was wondering the streets of Santa Fe last May and saw this window.  It's not anything that would normally catch my eye, but when I started looking through my lens, I liked what I saw.  The image is nothing earth shattering.  I almost didn't enter it.  It is not what I consider one of my best.  But someone saw something in it.  Wish I knew what (still developing that eye).  Photography is soooooooo subjective.

So, for your pleasure, and I hope someone out there can see what the judges saw. (Otherwise, I'm looking like an idiot, here.)