I've been working hard on my letters. I can't tell you how much fun I'm having.
Here are my Cs...
The C is from the Chico's Sign.
This involved blending a chicken wire background, a bookeh background and an aqua background and going through blending modes after each addition.
This C is from a local restaurant.
I blended a photo of a ship with a photo of a mercury glass lamp and a photo of an oil painting background.
C is for COOL!
This C is from the PF Chang's sign.
I blended it with a kindergarten watercolor from my 40 year old son. (Who says I keep everything?)
I really like this one.
Thanks, Jort.
And my Bs...
Only had one B to work with, so I had to make the best of it. The weather isn't conducive to scouting for letters. Hoping for an early spring, so I can get out there and get my gallery of letters going.
Not crazy for the plaid, but I loved the background. It's a reflection of lattice fencing in a puddle on my patio I'll probably use it again sometime but in a different manner. Gotta lose the plaid.
I can't remember exactly how I did this one, but I know it involved a photo of hydrangea and some other backgrounds to produce the black background and going through the blending modes.
This one is a similar method to the one above, but used different backgrounds and blending modes.
Gotta' run. I'm off to find some Ds.